Wednesday 16 January 2008

i am very disappointed. we had our presentation today and everything technical that could of gone wrong did indeed go wrong. there was no sound on the first clip for an unknown reason. then Lowri's laptop couldn't be connected to the projector so we moved the PowerPoint file to a computer the would attach to the projector but then the embedded video wouldn't play and for some unknown reason the hyperlinked video would not go to the default browser and then wouldn't play any clips from you tube.

luckily we had a contingency plans in case of such technical difficulty. i had previously uploaded all the the videos into you tube. and they could be accessed through the default browser. it was a shame because it didn't have the professional edge that we had worked so hard to achieve but none the less we were able to give a presentation and make all the points we intended to.

All and all i have really enjoyed the module. i have found it to be very thought provoking and challenging in and positive way. It has made me think about points i had never even considered before.

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