Wednesday 14 November 2007

ideas for presentation performance!

1. interaction between Lowri and me - animation.

One of has is an angel and the other one has a devil. They would sit on on our shoulders like our consciences. During the presentation we would interact with the 2 dimensional digital character so we could interact with the virtual world via the real world. The angel argues the good points of Internet and the devil argues the negatives of the Internet.

Includes slide show links of Internet pages;
Good- Facebook for communication
Bad- Facebook is used for bullying.

Issues raised with this idea
-it would be difficult to integrate information about theatre.
-not only would we have to produce a digital animation but interacting with the character's would be very difficult to achieve.

2. Lowri plays a character who does not understand the Internet i explain to her what it does and how it benefits us but also some of it's disadvantages.

Issues raised with this idea
-not very inventive, too simplistic.
-again it does not included any idea of theatre and performance.

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